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Violation Tracker Global: Current Parent Summary

Current Parent Company Name: Nokia
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol NOK)
Headquartered in: Finland
Major Industry: telecommunications
Specific Industry: telecommunications
Penalty total since 2010 in U.S. dollars$171,043,798
Number of records: 11
Top 5 JurisdictionsPenalty Total (USD)Number of Records
United States$141,250,9628
Top 5 Offense GroupsPenalty Total (USD)Number of Records
competition-related offenses$138,953,4113
government-contracting-related offenses$32,013,1202
consumer-protection-related offenses$26,3051
environment-related offenses$22,5003
safety-related offenses$16,1331

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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CompanyCurrent Parent IndustryOffense CategoryYearJurisdictionPenalty Amount (USD)
Alcatel-Lucent S.A.telecommunicationskickbacks and bribery2010United States$92,000,000
Alcatel-Lucent S.A.telecommunicationskickbacks and bribery2010United States$45,000,000
Nokiatelecommunicationsprocurement competition violation2021Spain$27,813,120
Lucent Technologies World Services Inc.telecommunicationsgovernment contracting fraud2012United States$4,200,000
Nokia Solutions and Networks Spain, SLtelecommunicationsanti-competitive practices2017Spain$1,953,411
Nokia de Mexico, SA de CVtelecommunicationsconsumer protection violation2019Mexico$26,305
ALCATEL SUBMARINE NETWORKStelecommunicationsworkplace safety or health violation2024United States$16,133
NOKIA OF AMERICA CORPtelecommunicationswater pollution violation2015United States$12,500
Nokia of America Corporationtelecommunicationslabor standards violation2021United States$12,329
NOKIA OF AMERICAtelecommunicationsair pollution violation2020United States$5,000
ALCATEL-LUCENT USA INCtelecommunicationsair pollution violation2010United States$5,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.