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Violation Tracker Global: Current Parent Summary

Current Parent Company Name: Lowe's
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol LOW)
Headquartered in: USA
Major Industry: retailing
Specific Industry: retail-home improvement
Penalty total since 2010 in U.S. dollars$36,481,721
Number of records: 129
Top 5 JurisdictionsPenalty Total (USD)Number of Records
United States$36,481,721129
Top 5 Offense GroupsPenalty Total (USD)Number of Records
environment-related offenses$23,363,65124
employment-related offenses$10,042,50619
consumer-protection-related offenses$2,045,0003
safety-related offenses$1,030,56483

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent Parent IndustryOffense CategoryYearJurisdictionPenalty Amount (USD)
Lowe's Home Centersretailingenvironmental violation2014United States$18,100,000
Lowe's Cos.retailingemployment discrimination2016United States$8,600,000
Lowe's Hiw, Inc.retailingair pollution violation2010United States$2,750,000
Lowe's Home Center, LLCretailingconsumer protection violation2015United States$2,000,000
Lowe's HIW Incretailingair pollution violation2020United States$1,600,000
Lowe'sretailingemployment discrimination2022United States$700,000
Lowe's Home Centersretailinglead violation2014United States$500,000
Lowe's Home Centers LLCretailingenvironmental violation2014United States(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $500,000
Lowe's Home Centers, LLCretailingenvironmental violation2022United States$141,730
Lowe's Distribution Centerretailinglabor standards violation2011United States$128,000
Lowe's Home Centers, Inc.retailingemployment discrimination2011United States$120,000
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS,INC., ROCKFORD REG. DIST. CTR.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2010United States$95,000
Lowe's Distribution Centerretailinglabor standards violation2011United States$85,000
Lowe's HIW, Inc.retailinglabor standards violation2011United States$85,000
Lowe's Home Centers, LLCretailingemployment discrimination2018United States$55,000
Lowe's Home Centers, LLCretailingenvironmental violation2016United States$52,000
LOWES HOME CTR LLCretailingenvironmental violation2014United States$42,000
Lowe's HIW, Inc.retailinglabor standards violation2011United States$40,000
Lowes Home Centers, Inc.retailinginsurance violation2014United States$40,000
LOWES CO. INCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2013United States$38,320
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2020United States$32,995
Lowesretailinglabor standards violation2021United States$30,902
Lowes Home Centersretailinglabor standards violation2021United States$30,902
Lowe's Home Centers, LLCretailinglabor standards violation2016United States$30,375
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. STORE 2274retailingworkplace safety or health violation2011United States$30,100
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2017United States$29,876
LOWES HOME CENTERS INCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2014United States$29,282
LOWES CO. INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2013United States$29,275
Lowe's Home Centers Inc.retailinglabor standards violation2011United States$28,670
Lowe's Home Centers, LLCretailinglabor standards violation2019United States$27,539
Lowe's Home Centers, LLCretailinglabor standards violation2021United States$26,153
Lowe's Hiw Inc.retailingair pollution violation2015United States$25,000
LOWE'S COMPANIES, INCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2020United States$25,000
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2012United States$23,800
LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENTretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$22,732
Lowe's Home Centers, LLCretailinghazardous waste violation2024United States$22,666
LOWES HOME CENTERS, INC. STORE 2778retailingworkplace safety or health violation2013United States$22,500
Lowes Home Centers, LLC d/b/a Lowe's Home Improvementretailinglabor standards violation2016United States$21,113
LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2020United States$21,066
LOWE'S HIW, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2013United States$21,000
LOWES HOME CENTERS, INC., DBA LOWE'Sretailingworkplace safety or health violation2018United States$20,200
Lowe's HIW, Inc.retailingair pollution violation2010United States$20,000
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$19,060
LOWES HOME CENTERS, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2017United States$18,750
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$18,000
LOWES OF MT OLIVE NJ #1512retailinghazardous waste violation2015United States$17,250
LOWE'Sretailingaviation safety violation2015United States$15,000
LOWE'S COMPANIES INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2011United States$15,000
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, #2372retailingworkplace safety or health violation2011United States$15,000
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2017United States$14,312
LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTERS, LLC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2023United States$14,270
Lowe's HIW, Inc.retailingpesticide violation2011United States$13,696
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$13,653
LOWES HOME CENTERS INCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$13,500
LOWE'Sretailingworkplace safety or health violation2014United States$13,500
LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$13,491
Lowe's Hiwretailingair pollution violation2016United States$12,750
LOWE'S, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$12,642
Lowe's Companies, LLCretailinglabor standards violation2014United States$12,458
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2023United States$11,700
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$11,365
Lowe'sretailinglabor standards violation2017United States$10,298
LOWES HOME CENTERS LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2015United States$9,900
LOWES HOME CENTERS INC. STORE #1637retailingworkplace safety or health violation2010United States$9,750
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2016United States$9,665
LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER #2328retailingworkplace safety or health violation2017United States$9,506
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$9,473
LOWES HOME CENTER (#479)retailingworkplace safety or health violation2017United States$9,416
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$9,200
Lowe's Home Centers, LLCretailingenvironmental violation2022United States$8,500
LOWES COMPANIES, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2011United States$8,500
LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENTretailingworkplace safety or health violation2020United States$8,192
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2017United States$8,000
LOWE'S COMPANIES, INCORPORATED - STORE #1710retailingworkplace safety or health violation2011United States$7,920
Lowe's Home Centers, LLCretailingenvironmental violation2015United States$7,800
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. #1198retailingworkplace safety or health violation2011United States$7,750
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$7,748
LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2017United States$7,729
LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENTretailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$7,500
LOWES COMPANIES INC. STORE 1939retailingworkplace safety or health violation2016United States$7,500
LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$7,458
LOWES HOME CENTER, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2020United States$7,420
Lowe's HIW, Inc.retailingpesticide violation2010United States$7,259
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2018United States$7,206
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC LOWE'S STORE 2548retailinghazardous waste violation2020United States$7,200
LOWES HOME CENTERSretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$7,000
LOWES HOME CENTERS LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$7,000
LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENTretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$7,000
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2013United States$7,000
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. #1130retailingworkplace safety or health violation2013United States$7,000
LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENTretailingworkplace safety or health violation2012United States$7,000
LOWE'S COMPANIES, INCORPORATEDretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$6,985
Lowes Home Centers, LLCretailingenvironmental violation2023United States$6,800
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2018United States$6,750
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2016United States$6,681
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC LOWE'S STORE 1986retailinghazardous waste violation2020United States$6,650
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2015United States$6,600
LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2012United States$6,600
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC. #221retailingworkplace safety or health violation2015United States$6,275
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$6,215
LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC LOWE'S STORE 385retailinghazardous waste violation2020United States$6,150
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.