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Violation Tracker Global: Current Parent Summary

Current Parent Company Name: BP
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol LSE: BP)
Headquartered in: United Kingdom
Major Industry: oil and gas
Specific Industry: oil & gas
Penalty total since 2010 in U.S. dollars$26,831,006,780
Number of records: 221
Top 5 JurisdictionsPenalty Total (USD)Number of Records
United States$26,790,988,779215
United Kingdom$714,3452
Top 5 Offense GroupsPenalty Total (USD)Number of Records
environment-related offenses$25,802,668,582147
financial offenses$525,000,0001
consumer-protection-related offenses$255,020,0002
government-contracting-related offenses$127,689,8003
safety-related offenses$65,073,90557

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent Parent IndustryOffense CategoryYearJurisdictionPenalty Amount (USD)
BPoil and gasoil spill2015United States$20,800,000,000
BPoil and gasoil spill2015United States(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $4,900,000,000
BP Exploration and Production Inc.oil and gasoil spill2012United States$4,000,000,000
BP EXPLORATION/MOEX/TRANSOCEAN DEEPWATER/TRITON/GULF OF MEXICO OIL SPILL/DEEPWATER HORIZON (NC)oil and gasenvironmental violation2016United States(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $3,377,250,000
BP Exploration & Production Inc. (Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill) (National Case) (Lead)oil and gasenvironmental violation2016United States(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $3,372,250,000
BPoil and gasoil spill2015United States(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $1,500,000,000
BPoil and gasinvestor protection violation2012United States$525,000,000
BP North America Inc.oil and gasair pollution violation2012United States$408,000,000
BPoil and gasconsumer protection violation2012United States$255,000,000
BP Products North America Inc.oil and gasair pollution violation2023United States$242,000,000
Atlantic Richfieldoil and gasenvironmental violation2020United States$150,000,000
BP Energy Companyoil and gasgovernment contracting fraud2018United States$102,000,000
BP America Inc. et al.oil and gasMTBE violation2018United States$64,000,000
BP Products North Americaoil and gasworkplace safety or health violation2010United States$50,610,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA INCoil and gasenvironmental violation2023United States$36,424,000
BP Petrolleri A.S.oil and gasanti-competitive practices2020Turkey$33,166,144
BP Exploration Alaska, Inc.oil and gaspipeline safety violation2011United States$25,000,000
BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc (BPXA)oil and gasenvironmental violation2011United States(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $25,000,000
Atlantic Richfieldoil and gasenvironmental violation2013United States$21,000,000
BP Amoco Corp.oil and gasgovernment contracting fraud2011United States$20,500,000
BP West Coast Products LLC, BP Products North America, Inc., and Atlantic Richfield Companyoil and gasunderground storage tank violation2016United States$14,000,000
BP Products North Americaoil and gasworkplace safety or health violation2012United States$13,027,000
BP America Inc.oil and gasenergy market violation2023United States$10,750,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICAoil and gasenvironmental violation2022United States$10,000,000
BP Products North America Inc.oil and gasunderground storage tank violation2015United States$7,900,000
BP Exploration and Production, Inc.oil and gasemployment discrimination2012United States$5,400,000
BP Americaoil and gasdrilling leasing royalty violation2012United States$5,189,800
Air BPoil and gasanti-competitive practices2022Brazil$5,013,737
BP PIPELINES (ALASKA) INCoil and gaspipeline safety violation2011United States(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $4,500,000
TA Operating LLC and HPT TA Properties Trust and Petro Travel Plaza LLCoil and gasunderground storage tank violation2014United States$3,800,000
BP/AMOCO CORPORATION (BLANCHARD REFINING)-TEXAS CITY REFINERYoil and gasenvironmental violation2016United States$3,450,000
BP West Coast Products LLCoil and gasair pollution violation2017United States$2,542,000
ALTLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANYoil and gasenvironmental violation2021United States$1,800,000
BP Gas Marketing Limitedoil and gasenergy market violation2020France$1,114,110
BP Products North America Inc.oil and gasair pollution violation2022United States$873,750
BP West Coast Production LLCoil and gasair pollution violation2016United States$652,000
BP Exploration Operating Company Limitedoil and gasworkplace safety or health violation2012United Kingdom$645,200
BP West Coast Products, LLCoil and gasair pollution violation2020United States$624,000
BP Cherry Point Refineryoil and gasair pollution violation2024United States$519,130
BP Exploration & Production Inc.oil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2020United States$512,900
Travel Centers of Americaoil and gasunderground storage tank violation2017United States$500,000
TA Operating LLC and HPT TA Properties Trust and Petro Travel Plaza LLCoil and gasunderground storage tank violation2017United States$500,000
BP Exploration (Alaska) Incoil and gasenvironmental violation2014United States$450,000
BP Exploration & Production, Inc.oil and gasenvironmental violation2017United States$446,519
BP Americaoil and gashazardous waste violation2011United States$426,500
BP Exploration (Alaska)oil and gasenvironmental violation2011United States$386,000
BP Products North America Inc.oil and gashazardous waste violation2023United States$381,270
BP Products North Americaoil and gasenvironmental violation2012United States$350,000
BP Products North Americaoil and gasMTBE violation2019United States$316,667
BP West Coast Productsoil and gasair pollution violation2012United States$296,500
BP Products North America Inc.oil and gasenvironmental violation2012United States$294,000
BP WHITINGoil and gasenvironmental violation2020United States$286,500
BP West Coast Products LLCoil and gasair pollution violation2018United States$250,000
BP Products North America Inc.oil and gasair pollution violation2021United States$246,750
BP Products North America Inc.oil and gasenvironmental violation2011United States$242,900
BP Products North America, Inc.oil and gasoil spill2012United States$210,000
BP West Coast Productsoil and gasenvironmental violation2023United States$205,800
BPoil and gasMTBE violation2022United States$205,000
BP Products North America, Inc.oil and gasair pollution violation2020United States$188,000
BP PIPELINES NORTH AMERICA INCoil and gaswater pollution violation2017United States$185,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA, WHITING, INoil and gasenvironmental violation2018United States$151,899
BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANYoil and gasenvironmental violation2015United States$140,000
BP PRODUCTSoil and gasenvironmental violation2024United States$137,200
BP Exploration Alaskaoil and gashazardous waste violation2019United States$125,100
BP EXPLORATION (ALASKA) INCoil and gasenvironmental violation2019United States(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $125,100
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA, INC.oil and gasworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$125,000
TA Operating LLC and HPT TA Properties Trust dba Travel Centers of Americaoil and gasenvironmental violation2020United States$113,740
BP PIPELINE (NORTH AMERICA) INC.oil and gaspipeline safety violation2017United States$100,000
BPoil and gasoil spill2022United States$100,000
BP America Production Co.oil and gasair pollution violation2012United States$91,000
AMOCO OIL COoil and gaspipeline safety violation2010United States$90,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA INC.oil and gasenvironmental violation2018United States$74,212
BP North America Products Inc.oil and gaswater pollution violation2019United States$71,400
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA INCoil and gasenvironmental violation2019United States(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $71,400
BPoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2021United Kingdom$69,145
BP EXPLORATION ALASKA INCORPORATEDoil and gasworkplace safety or health violation2010United States$69,100
BP America Operating Co.oil and gasenvironmental violation2019United States$68,000
BP Exploration & Production Inc.oil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2014United States$65,000
BP Products North America Inc.oil and gasenvironmental violation2023United States$58,500
BP Products North America Inc.oil and gasenvironmental violation2023United States$58,500
B P WEST COAST PRODUCTS LLCoil and gasworkplace safety or health violation2012United States$55,500
BP West Coast Productsoil and gasair pollution violation2013United States$53,100
BP America Production Companyoil and gasenvironmental violation2012United States$50,533
BP Products North America Inc.oil and gasenvironmental violation2016United States$50,313
Travel Centers of Americaoil and gaswater pollution violation2020United States$50,270
BP/AMOCO PRODUCTSoil and gasrailroad safety violation2011United States$50,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICAoil and gasenvironmental violation2017United States$47,000
BP America Production Co.oil and gasenvironmental violation2017United States$45,000
BP West Coast Productsoil and gasair pollution violation2011United States$43,000
TravelCenters of America d/b/a Denmark TravelCenteroil and gaswater pollution violation2020United States$42,000
BP Pipeline Inc.oil and gaspipeline safety violation2024United States$41,600
BP Exploration & Production, Inc.oil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2013United States$40,000
BP West Coast Products LLC (4)oil and gasair pollution violation2011United States$40,000
BP Lubricants, USA Companyoil and gasair pollution violation2010United States$40,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICAoil and gasair pollution violation2013United States$40,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA INCoil and gasair pollution violation2020United States$38,000
BP Products North America, Inc.oil and gasenvironmental violation2013United States$37,500
TA Operating LLCoil and gasenvironmental violation2012United States$35,875
BP America Production Companyoil and gasenvironmental violation2011United States$35,803
BP West Coast Products LLC (3)oil and gasair pollution violation2011United States$35,000
BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICAoil and gasair pollution violation2010United States$35,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.