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Violation Tracker Global: Current Parent Summary

Current Parent Company Name: Best Buy
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol BBY)
Headquartered in: USA
Major Industry: retailing
Specific Industry: retail-consumer electronics
Penalty total since 2010 in U.S. dollars$4,921,083
Number of records: 30
Top 5 JurisdictionsPenalty Total (USD)Number of Records
United States$4,921,08330
Top 5 Offense GroupsPenalty Total (USD)Number of Records
safety-related offenses$4,054,18124
consumer-protection-related offenses$633,5701
environment-related offenses$199,8212
employment-related offenses$33,5113

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent Parent IndustryOffense CategoryYearJurisdictionPenalty Amount (USD)
Best Buy Co., Inc.,retailingproduct safety violation2016United States$3,800,000
Best Buy Stores, L.Pretailingconsumer protection violation2021United States$633,570
Best Buy Co.retailingenvironmental violation2022United States$199,821
Best Buy Stores L.P.retailingenvironmental violation2022United States(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $199,821
BEST BUY CO., INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2011United States$32,000
Best Buy Stores, L.P.retailinglabor standards violation2014United States$19,734
BEST BUY CO, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2018United States$18,300
BEST BUY CO INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$15,625
BEST BUYretailingworkplace safety or health violation2013United States$14,000
BEST BUY DISTRIBUTION CENTERretailingworkplace safety or health violation2020United States$13,653
BEST BUY CO, INCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2010United States$13,440
BEST BUY WAREHOUSE DDC715retailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$12,947
BEST BUYretailingworkplace safety or health violation2016United States$12,471
BEST BUY STORES, LPretailingworkplace safety or health violation2023United States$12,196
BEST BUY CO., INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2020United States$11,950
BEST BUYretailingworkplace safety or health violation2016United States$11,385
BEST BUY STORES L.P.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$10,000
BEST BUY STORES LPretailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$9,753
BEST BUY STORE 1517retailingworkplace safety or health violation2018United States$9,239
Best Buy Co., Inc.retailinglabor standards violation2011United States$8,548
BEST BUY STORES LPretailingworkplace safety or health violation2010United States$8,000
BEST BUY STORES L Pretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$7,578
BEST BUY STORES INCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$7,104
BEST BUY INC STORE # 468retailingworkplace safety or health violation2011United States$7,000
BEST BUY STORES, L.P, STORE #493retailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$6,415
MN BEST BUY CO., INC. 900131retailingworkplace safety or health violation2013United States$5,625
Best Buy Stores L.P.retailingmotor vehicle safety violation2013United States$5,500
Best Buyretailinglabor standards violation2013United States$5,229
BEST BUY CO., INC. DBA MN BEST BUY CO., INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2017United States$5,000
BEST BUY STORES L Pretailingworkplace safety or health violation2017United States$5,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.