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Violation Tracker Global: Current Parent Summary

Current Parent Company Name: Ahold Delhaize
Ownership Structure: publicly traded
Headquartered in: Netherlands
Major Industry: retailing
Specific Industry: retail-supermarkets
Penalty total since 2010 in U.S. dollars$29,646,937
Number of records: 64
Top 5 JurisdictionsPenalty Total (USD)Number of Records
United States$1,078,23762
Top 5 Offense GroupsPenalty Total (USD)Number of Records
competition-related offenses$28,568,7002
safety-related offenses$430,49044
consumer-protection-related offenses$231,5003
environment-related offenses$219,17010
employment-related offenses$183,2774

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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CompanyCurrent Parent IndustryOffense CategoryYearJurisdictionPenalty Amount (USD)
Ets Delhaize Freres et Cieretailinganti-competitive practices2015Belgium$28,303,707
Delhaize Distributionretailinganti-competitive practices2020Luxembourg$264,993
Stop and Shop Companyretailingconsumer protection violation2010United States$190,000
Hannaford Brosretailinglabor standards violation2014United States$100,831
Stop & Shopretailingemployment discrimination2019United States$65,000
STOP AND SHOP SUPERMARKETretailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$31,815
Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLCretailingdiscriminatory practices (non-employment)2018United States$31,500
FOOD LION, LLCretailingenvironmental violation2012United States$26,325
Delhaize America Distribution, LLCretailingenvironmental violation2016United States$25,020
STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY INCretailingenvironmental violation2010United States$25,000
STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY INCretailingenvironmental violation2010United States$25,000
STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY INCretailingenvironmental violation2010United States$25,000
STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY INCretailingenvironmental violation2010United States$25,000
STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY INCretailingenvironmental violation2010United States$25,000
THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$25,000
The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company, LLCretailingenvironmental violation2018United States$23,125
FOOD LION LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$19,890
HANNAFORD BROTHERS DISTRIBUTION CENTER 01retailingworkplace safety or health violation2014United States$19,500
GIANT FOOD STORES, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2010United States$18,000
FOOD LION STORE # 2160retailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$15,953
FOOD LION, LLC - STORE #2213retailingworkplace safety or health violation2011United States$14,000
Fresh Direct, LLCretailingtax violations2014United States$13,800
Hannaford Brothers Companyretailingenvironmental violation2015United States$13,500
THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$12,874
THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKETS COMPANY, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2017United States$12,675
FOOD LION STORE # 2153retailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$12,430
HANNAFORD BROS. CO., LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2024United States$12,340
FOOD LION, INC.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2013United States$12,225
THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$11,366
THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$10,826
STOP AND SHOP SUPERMARKETretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$10,419
FOOD LION, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2011United States$10,275
The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company (Distribution)retailinglabor standards violation2010United States$10,000
Stop and Shop Supermarket Companyretailingdiscriminatory practices (non-employment)2020United States$10,000
FRESH DIRECT, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2023United States$9,300
HANNAFORD BROS. CO., LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2016United States$8,908
FOOD LION, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$8,210
FRESH DIRECT, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2023United States$8,200
AHOLD USAretailingworkplace safety or health violation2012United States$7,800
HANNAFORD BROS. CO, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$7,552
THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2024United States$7,500
STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKETSretailingworkplace safety or health violation2010United States$7,500
Food Lion, LLC, a company of Delhaize America, LLCretailinglabor standards violation2016United States$7,446
FOOD LIONretailingworkplace safety or health violation2012United States$7,350
HANNAFORD BROS. COMPANY LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2020United States$7,104
HANNAFORD BROTHERS COMPANYretailingworkplace safety or health violation2014United States$7,040
THE STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKETS COMPANY LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2015United States$7,000
FOOD LIONretailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$6,755
HANNAFORD BROTHERSretailingworkplace safety or health violation2014United States$6,250
HANNAFORD BROTHERS DISTRIBUTION CENTER 01retailingworkplace safety or health violation2016United States$6,236
GIANT FOOD STORES LLCretailingenvironmental violation2011United States$6,200
FOOD LION, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$5,910
GIANT FOOD LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2021United States$5,779
HANNAFORD BROS. CO. DISTRIBUTION CENTERretailingworkplace safety or health violation2013United States$5,500
FOOD LION, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2020United States$5,407
STOP & SHOPretailingworkplace safety or health violation2022United States$5,283
FOOD LION, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2024United States$5,200
STOP AND SHOP SUPERMARKETretailingworkplace safety or health violation2023United States$5,078
DELHAIZE AMERICA DBA FOOD LION STORE # 762retailingworkplace safety or health violation2010United States$5,040
STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKET COMPANY LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2023United States$5,000
STOP & SHOPretailingworkplace safety or health violation2019United States$5,000
DELHAIZE AMERICA DISTRIBUTION, LLCretailingworkplace safety or health violation2018United States$5,000
HANNAFORD BROS. CO.retailingworkplace safety or health violation2015United States$5,000
DELHAIZE AMERICA LLC DC 7retailingworkplace safety or health violation2014United States$5,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.