Violation Tracker Global Quick Start
Violation Tracker Global, produced by the Corporate Research Project of Good Jobs First, brings together enforcement data from more than 700 regulatory agencies in 45 countries on issues such as consumer protection, antitrust/competition, banking, investor protection, labor standards, environmental protection, data protection, bribery, and money laundering. Because of agency disclosure limitations, Violation Tracker Global does not have data in every category for all of the 45 countries.
A list of the agencies and the online locations of their data can be found here. The database contains data on cases dating back to 2010 brought against 1,600 large global corporations and their subsidiaries.
Searching and displaying search results can be done free of charge, but downloading search results into spreadsheet form requires either a subscription or a one-time payment. Details can be found by clicking on the download link on any search results page.
How to Search
There are three main ways of accessing the data in Violation Tracker Global: using the basic search box on the homepage; viewing a variety of summary pages; or constructing a custom search using numerous variables listed on the Advanced Search page. Consult the User Guide for more details on search options, search results, and individual entries.
Examples of What You Can Find in Violation Tracker Global
Cases brought against Volkswagen and its subsidiaries (enter Volkswagen in the company search box on the homepage or choose it from the dropdown of Parent Companies)
Cases involving bank misconduct (choose “financial services” from the Parent Industries dropdown on the Summaries page)
Competition/antitrust cases brought by the European Commission (choose “anti-competitive practices” from the Offense Categories dropdown on the Advanced Search page and choose European Commission from the Jurisdiction dropdown; click on Search)
Environmental cases brought against mining companies in Canada (choose “environment-related offenses” from the Offense Categories dropdown on the Advanced Search page; "mining and minerals" from the Parent Company Industry dropdown; and Canada from the Jurisdiction dropdown. Click on Search.)
Data protection and privacy cases brought against Tech companies in South Korea (choose “privacy violation” from the Offense Categories dropdown on the Advanced Search page; “information technology” from the Parent Company Industry dropdown; and South Korea from the Jurisdiction dropdown. Click on search.)
Penalties equal to US$10 million or more brought in China against parent companies headquartered in the U.S. (enter 9999999 in the Penalty Amount/is greater than field on the Advanced Search page; choose China from the Jurisdiction dropdown; and choose USA from the Parent Headquarters Country dropdown. Click on Search).
To find the largest individual penalties or the most penalized parent companies or industries, choose one of the ready-made lists in the right column of the Summaries page.
If you have problems with a search, contact Phil Mattera.